Ineffable! A Cats Movie Podcast

Big Swings! w/ Angie Han

Episode Summary

Joel and Toast chat with film critic Angie Han whose passion for CATS rivals their own. They talk just what kind of actor Gus the Theater Cat was, how to work CATS into any conversation, and the perfect hand-washing song (aka "Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat").

Episode Notes

Joel and Toast chat with film critic Angie Han whose passion for CATS rivals their own. They talk just what kind of actor Gus the Theater Cat was, how to work CATS into any conversation, and the perfect hand-washing song (aka "Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat").

Referenced in this episode: Angie's piece on the 5 stages of experiencing CATS and her article on why CATS is the perfect movie for virtual group hangs (also THE LIGHTHOUSE and EMMA).

This episode's Joellicle Choice is Albus the Sphynx! This adorable hairless boy has his own instagram (@albus.d.sphynx), and you can also follow his people Liann Kaye and Charlene Kaye

Twitter: @IneffableCats

Instagram: @IneffableCats


Original music by Jeremy Nasato.

Cover art by Tyler Donnelly.